Welcome to The Keyhole!
Volume 2021-2022 – Issue50
Rain??? What’s rain? Well, it showed up right before our meeting on Wednesday. One day in the past month. And it brought out a plethora (thanks past president Kneal Hollander for the big word) of members. There were 24 members who braved the water droplets to attend the meeting. Might have been a record for a post Covid meeting. It was great to see Steve Sperry, Honey, and Mike Nykreim along with the cast of regulars.
President – Jim Hutchinson
Pres. Elect – Kathy O’Connell
Vice Pres. – Todd Pemble
Secretary – Tom Pendergrass
Treasurer – Cris Pederson
Imm. Past President – Carol Truex
2021-2023 Directors
Bonni Sundberg
Don Jury
Paul Richardson
2022-2024 Directors
Dave Asher
Christopher Boyd
Don Corning
Birthday’s this week included Kathy O’Connell, Leo Zeiler (93) and Robert Jay.
Treasurer Report
Final reminder to get your expense sheets to Cris Pederson if you are seeking reimbursement for an expense for the installation banquet, or anything else. She is looking to close out this Kiwanis year which ends 9/30/2022.
The beginning of the new Kiwanis year brings us to a total club membership of around 65 who have renewed. Not what we used to be, but better than most. Covid has not been good to most organizations. (or much else for that matter)
Current Events
Kirkland’s Harvest Festival is Saturday October 1st 2-4 at Juanita Beach Park. They are going to have to do it without Kiwanis Participation, as all the new powers to be, will be out of the country!
There is also a recycling event at Lake Washington Technical College on Saturday from 9 am to 3 pm.
Club Reports
Key Club’s are getting off to a good start this year. LWHS has more than 100 kids showing interest, but with that number they are a bit unorganized. Kathleen has been herding the troops. ICS had 50 plus at their last meeting. The next meeting will feature President Jim speaking to the group. ICS members wanted him to know that they are ready for Mr. Hutchison!
Matt, Matt and more Matt. Matt single handedly kept up Kiwanis’s involvement in Oktoberfest this past weekend. Working non-stop from 3 pm – 7 pm they never even gave him a chance to sample. Next week he will be handling the check in duties at our meeting while Tom flies over the pond to taste some Irish beer. Then Matt brought us up to speed on our Aktion club. October 16th will be the first meeting at Kenmore Lanes. Matt is so tired from all his volunteering that it is time to take a vacation, and he can’t make the 16th. Hopefully someone else will step up and help Darcie.
Happy Dollars
There were happy $$ all around, and most of them were for Bonnie and Dennis for putting on a great party welcoming Paul Richardson back to town. Paul enjoyed it too but was sad he missed the regular Wednesday Kiwanis meeting while he was in town. Steve Sperry was full of energy after a heart procedure. The tune up was just what he needed. He also headed east to Desert Aire to see a former member Nancy Smithson who said hi to all of us. Steve & Connie Sperry made a guest appearance at the Covington Kiwanis Club as well. Much closer to where they live now.
Upcoming Events
An upcoming project could be the Idea Project at Helen Keller Elementary. Many of us have passed the LWSD background check and would be able to volunteer. The idea is to teach kids how to deal/interact with persons with disabilities. Sounds like a great learning experience. (for all of us)
Speaker Du Jour was our own Irene Hutchison along with her sidekick Amanda Childs. They brought us up to speed on the new Kiwanis website (which still is coming) and show off some of its cool features. I found all the moving pieces to be entertaining. In addition, there will be a photo gallery, a club calendar, and the ability to fill out an application online. The Keyhole will even be a part of it. Amanda’s background is in coding and her efforts have really helped the project take on a professional look.
Next Irene jumped to the augmented reality game she is creating for Kiwanis. Again, the content looked amazing, and we will see where it takes us. We did learn if the game ventured through a Kirkland Park, our city wanted royalties. Cheaper to go to Mars.
Have a great weekend everyone! Remember this lovely October weekend, especially in a few months when the rain and cold return. 50 days until Christmas tree set up!!!
(Insert slides from presentation here)
Last Updated: January 3, 2023 by aechilds
Virtual Realities
Welcome to The Keyhole!
Volume 2021-2022 – Issue50
Date: September 28, 2022
Scribe: Mark Shinstrom
Rain??? What’s rain? Well, it showed up right before our meeting on Wednesday. One day in the past month. And it brought out a plethora (thanks past president Kneal Hollander for the big word) of members. There were 24 members who braved the water droplets to attend the meeting. Might have been a record for a post Covid meeting. It was great to see Steve Sperry, Honey, and Mike Nykreim along with the cast of regulars.
President – Jim Hutchinson
Pres. Elect – Kathy O’Connell
Vice Pres. – Todd Pemble
Secretary – Tom Pendergrass
Treasurer – Cris Pederson
Imm. Past President – Carol Truex
2021-2023 Directors
Bonni Sundberg
Don Jury
Paul Richardson
2022-2024 Directors
Dave Asher
Christopher Boyd
Don Corning
Birthday’s this week included Kathy O’Connell, Leo Zeiler (93) and Robert Jay.
Treasurer Report
Final reminder to get your expense sheets to Cris Pederson if you are seeking reimbursement for an expense for the installation banquet, or anything else. She is looking to close out this Kiwanis year which ends 9/30/2022.
The beginning of the new Kiwanis year brings us to a total club membership of around 65 who have renewed. Not what we used to be, but better than most. Covid has not been good to most organizations. (or much else for that matter)
Current Events
Kirkland’s Harvest Festival is Saturday October 1st 2-4 at Juanita Beach Park. They are going to have to do it without Kiwanis Participation, as all the new powers to be, will be out of the country!
There is also a recycling event at Lake Washington Technical College on Saturday from 9 am to 3 pm.
Club Reports
Key Club’s are getting off to a good start this year. LWHS has more than 100 kids showing interest, but with that number they are a bit unorganized. Kathleen has been herding the troops. ICS had 50 plus at their last meeting. The next meeting will feature President Jim speaking to the group. ICS members wanted him to know that they are ready for Mr. Hutchison!
Matt, Matt and more Matt. Matt single handedly kept up Kiwanis’s involvement in Oktoberfest this past weekend. Working non-stop from 3 pm – 7 pm they never even gave him a chance to sample. Next week he will be handling the check in duties at our meeting while Tom flies over the pond to taste some Irish beer. Then Matt brought us up to speed on our Aktion club. October 16th will be the first meeting at Kenmore Lanes. Matt is so tired from all his volunteering that it is time to take a vacation, and he can’t make the 16th. Hopefully someone else will step up and help Darcie.
Happy Dollars
There were happy $$ all around, and most of them were for Bonnie and Dennis for putting on a great party welcoming Paul Richardson back to town. Paul enjoyed it too but was sad he missed the regular Wednesday Kiwanis meeting while he was in town. Steve Sperry was full of energy after a heart procedure. The tune up was just what he needed. He also headed east to Desert Aire to see a former member Nancy Smithson who said hi to all of us. Steve & Connie Sperry made a guest appearance at the Covington Kiwanis Club as well. Much closer to where they live now.
Upcoming Events
An upcoming project could be the Idea Project at Helen Keller Elementary. Many of us have passed the LWSD background check and would be able to volunteer. The idea is to teach kids how to deal/interact with persons with disabilities. Sounds like a great learning experience. (for all of us)
Speaker Du Jour was our own Irene Hutchison along with her sidekick Amanda Childs. They brought us up to speed on the new Kiwanis website (which still is coming) and show off some of its cool features. I found all the moving pieces to be entertaining. In addition, there will be a photo gallery, a club calendar, and the ability to fill out an application online. The Keyhole will even be a part of it. Amanda’s background is in coding and her efforts have really helped the project take on a professional look.
Next Irene jumped to the augmented reality game she is creating for Kiwanis. Again, the content looked amazing, and we will see where it takes us. We did learn if the game ventured through a Kirkland Park, our city wanted royalties. Cheaper to go to Mars.
Have a great weekend everyone! Remember this lovely October weekend, especially in a few months when the rain and cold return. 50 days until Christmas tree set up!!!
(Insert slides from presentation here)
Category: The Keyhole, Weekly Newsletter
Upcoming events
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Meet Sophia Lisboa
Meet Kalika Curry
Committee Meeting
7 Hills Sponsor Deadline
Meet Kurt Triplett
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
7 Hills of Kirkland Pre-Event Meeting - Date Change
Officer Elections
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK Annual Report to SOS
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
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