The recent bird nest at Advisor Matt’s house front door wreath had the eggs hatch on Easter Sunday! 16 caregivers came plus 4 Kiwanians (Darcie, Tish, Bonni, & Matt) for total 33 present.
There were 13 bowling members today.
Lane 30 rails
Andrew (Sec.), Mikayla, Colin, Jason, & Jake (Pres)
Lane 31 no rails
Jeffrey, Nicholas, Christine, & Tim
Lane 32 rails and ramp
Audrey, Jannah, Erin (Vice Pres.), & Kelsey
Today we brought our dog and cat food collections for Pet Food Drive for the Homeward Pet Food Bank in Woodinville; The table was full. Thank you, bowlers, caregivers, and friends.
We have had a great month not only bowling but connection with each other via phone, Facebook, and other social media.
– For April., we recognize Christine Cech 33 on the 11th, Sarah Carlile 39 on 17th, and Karley Kroshaben 38 on the 29th.
Our Members
It was good to have back Nick and Christine (lives in Renton now). We missed seeing some of our local long-time members today like Sean, Serena, Matt, Jeremey, Andy, Meghan, Brett, and Nathan. Other members have moved farther away such at Corey to Kent, Reed to Cle Elum, and Karley to Federal Way.
Service Projects
The May meeting is too late for Mother’s Day cards but there will be blank cards and stuff to make Father’s Day cards.
Happy News – Bonnie Sundberg of Kiwanis Club of Kirkland presented our club with an Everyday Hero Award for our work in the greater Kirkland community AND they provided each member a slice of pizza with a canned drink afterward at the adjacent Pagliacci Restaurant! Sad News – KCK President Dr. Larry Otten, who nominated our Aktion Club for this award and was a recipient himself in 2016, had a heart attack about 11 days ago and died Apr 7th. Certificates for those not present will be mailed to you.
Adults living with disabilities were big winners at the Academy Awards Sunday March 27th . “CODA” won best picture, best adapted screenplay, and best supporting actor; Troy Kotsur –first deaf man to win an Oscar!
Tech City Bowl
September 17th will be our last opportunity for bowling at this facility as it is closing for property redevelopment by a new owner. See HERE. We are looking into going to Kenmore Lanes, where some bowl with other groups and we bowled a few times in the past.
What’s Next?
May 21st Meeting – Tech City Bowl opens at 12PM noon, so our Saturday check-in is 12:15 PM, and bowling is 12:30 to 1:30 PM. The cost is $12 per bowler. Each lane rate is now $44/hour plus tax, 4 per lane. Masks are now optional.
7 Hills of Kirkland Pre-Event Meeting - Date Change
April 30, 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
A Zoom link will be provided prior to this meeting.
[cid:[email protected]]
Sudie Elkayssi, Special Projects Coordinator
City of Kirkland - 123 Fifth Avenue, Kirkland, WA 98033
Work Schedule: Tuesday - Saturday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Ph: 425.587.3347 l [email protected]
Last Updated: January 3, 2023 by aechilds
Happy Easter
Kiwani’s AKTION Club
Club: Kirkland D00665
Date: September 17, 2022
Sponsor: Kirkland K03048
The recent bird nest at Advisor Matt’s house front door wreath had the eggs hatch on Easter Sunday! 16 caregivers came plus 4 Kiwanians (Darcie, Tish, Bonni, & Matt) for total 33 present.
There were 13 bowling members today.
Lane 30 rails
Andrew (Sec.), Mikayla, Colin, Jason, & Jake (Pres)
Lane 31 no rails
Jeffrey, Nicholas, Christine, & Tim
Lane 32 rails and ramp
Audrey, Jannah, Erin (Vice Pres.), & Kelsey
Today we brought our dog and cat food collections for Pet Food Drive for the Homeward
Pet Food Bank in Woodinville; The table
was full. Thank you, bowlers, caregivers, and friends.
We have had a great month not only bowling but connection with each other via phone,
Facebook, and other social media.
– For April., we recognize Christine Cech 33 on the 11th, Sarah Carlile 39 on 17th, and Karley Kroshaben 38 on the 29th.
Our Members
It was good to have back Nick and Christine (lives in Renton now). We missed seeing some of our local long-time members today like Sean, Serena, Matt, Jeremey, Andy, Meghan, Brett, and Nathan. Other members have moved farther away such at Corey to Kent, Reed to Cle Elum, and Karley to Federal Way.
Service Projects
The May meeting is too late for Mother’s Day cards but there will be blank cards and stuff to make Father’s Day cards.
Happy News – Bonnie Sundberg of Kiwanis Club of Kirkland presented our club with an Everyday Hero Award for our work in the greater Kirkland community AND they provided each member a slice of pizza with a canned drink afterward at the adjacent Pagliacci Restaurant! Sad News – KCK President Dr. Larry Otten, who nominated our Aktion Club for this award and was a recipient himself in 2016, had a heart attack about 11 days ago and died Apr 7th. Certificates for those not present will be mailed to you.
Adults living with disabilities were big winners at the Academy Awards Sunday March 27th . “CODA” won best picture, best adapted screenplay, and best supporting actor; Troy Kotsur –first deaf man to win an Oscar!
Tech City Bowl
September 17th will be our last opportunity for bowling at this facility as it is
closing for property redevelopment by a new owner. See HERE. We are looking into going to
Kenmore Lanes, where some bowl with other groups and we bowled a few times in the past.
What’s Next?
May 21st Meeting – Tech City Bowl opens at 12PM noon, so our Saturday check-in is 12:15
PM, and bowling is 12:30 to 1:30 PM. The cost is $12 per bowler. Each lane rate is now
$44/hour plus tax, 4 per lane. Masks are now optional.
Category: Aktion Club, Club Reports
Upcoming events
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Meet Sophia Lisboa
Meet Kalika Curry
Committee Meeting
7 Hills Sponsor Deadline
Meet Kurt Triplett
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
7 Hills of Kirkland Pre-Event Meeting - Date Change
Officer Elections
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK Annual Report to SOS
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
KCK/KKF Board Meetings
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
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